5 June V8.5 Added Battle/立合/對決 All buffs/最大強化/最大加固 Enemy Stop/敵停止/敵人沒有移動
No Card Condition/札條件なし/獲得該卡沒有條件
Auto sorting/Only long Training/自動振分/長期修行/自動分揀/長期培訓
Training Content Limitation/Each 16 types/訓練內容制限/各16種類/培訓內容限制//各16種
Invest manage money 10000/投資金/金策/軍備/內政/個別/投資資本/賺錢/軍備/內府事務/個人
Player Changer/主人公編纂/改變主角 Genre list/流派一覧/武術風格表
Sell Price Multiplier/売価倍率/改變銷售價格乘數 Merchant's top competition/商人司爭奪/為成為商人首領而斗爭
Bet Changer-Chinchirorin/賭金編纂/改變要投注的金額 5 increase per training/能力鍛錬毎5上昇/每次培訓增加5
30 May Added Correction points for NewGame/新遊戯能力編集補正
Title cards for individually/稱號札個別編纂 Face ID changer/主人公/人物顔編纂
Next decision occurs Everyday for All,this allows easier editing of deceased person and pre-adult one.
All+5/Increases each time view/閲覧毎増加 Aspiration100/Loyalty0/野心/忠誠
Shop/店舗/Funds/Guns Origins/Father/Grandfather/Compatibility/Spouse/出自/父/祖父/相性/配偶
VS Ninja Traitor Stalker Count 100/忍者裏切戦闘數100
28 May V7 Add Instant movement/転移 New game/Selectable Cards/新遊戯/選択可能札數
Minigame/Namban Temple/南蠻寺/Update Medicine Game/醫術
For Tea/Doctor/BlackSmith/Swordman/茶人/醫師/鍛冶師/剣豪
Highlight New Item Editor/Stats/新裝備/能力上昇/Create one
As for Instant move,Need to display the In base/拠點內畫面表示
Change the current location to move to new one,and go out of the base/所在更新/出基地外
Iron sand and Herbs collected reaches 99/収集砂鉄99/収集薬草99
BlackSmith/Doesn't reduce your health and Iron/鍛冶體力/鉄/不減
Add information Master/Affiliation/武蕓師匠/流派/Can't change Affiliation(Cause a bug)
27 May V6.5 Added Item Editor/Price/Value/Stats/価値/価格/能力上昇=Max+31
Add information Moral/Aspiration/Loyalty/Traitor/Betrayal/義理/仕官/野心/忠誠/國賊/裏切
Create time 0 /依頼期間0/Art/蕓術 All Person/Rep100/Bad0/Monthly/名聲100悪評0月毎
26 May V6 Major Update Added a lot of useful scripts and Information
Editable All Characters for Individual Skill Cards/全人物編纂可/札/秘技/合戦
Editable Battle and War skills of New persons before playing/新武將/游戲前可編輯的戰斗和戰爭技能
Easy win for Battle/立合勝確/Inf HP SP/Enemy SP0/無限體力気合
Easy win for Field war,5 VS 5 only,野戦自動勝利/五対五限定
25 May V5.5 added a lot of useful scripts,Resurrecting Deceased Warlords/復活死去的戰士
Troops in Castle to 0/城堡中的士兵數0
Maximum life span/壽命/Friendship/親交/Rep100Badrep0/stats/SamuraiContribution/武士杰出貢獻
Easy win for Battle and Siege/立合/圍困/Max out Basepoint stats/最大的基礎水平/Any Base
Health/Alive/In/Know choice/Gift○/Known/Adult/Tea/Not enemy/健康/生存/非外出/好知/贈○/元服済/茶○/非仇敵24 May V5 added A lot of Minigame Scripts,Warlord Personality Editor(Manually),Complete Item Editor小游戲,大名個性修改,完整道具修改
23 May V4 Added Unit ID changer for Battle/War/Siege
Add Get All and Lost All to Basepoint/基地-城堡,Infinite Money/無限的金錢/Test
Friendship changes to Max when get value/最大限度的親密接觸,Fix Gate HP/城堡的最外層區域
Character Editor for Battle skills/War skills/Other/Famous Place/Title 對決/戰役/其他/著名的地方/職稱
22 May V3 added New warlord Editor,Gate HP Editor,Highlight Social Position Editor
May 22 V2.5 added Ninja Village,Navy Fort,Contribution to Imperial court,some information for editor
Ability and Age Editor,War data for Movepower and Act Flag ang Ability Point
Siege Data-Skill,Ability point,Current HP
從以前的5移過來的 歡迎測試反饋 可以把武力和統率改成200 enjoy
以前副作用是踩陷阱還是被秒 請避免
點擊Cheat Engine中的PC圖標,以便選擇游戲進程。
標簽: 太閣立志傳5DX
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詳情太閣立志傳V DX內存修改器 V1.3 steam版 26.67M | 簡體中文 | 2.2
詳情太閣立志傳5DX修改器CT版 V8.5 steam版 110K | 簡體中文 | 0
詳情switch太閣立志傳5DX金手指 V1.11 免費版 1K | 簡體中文 | 8
詳情太閣立志傳5DXg1t文件簡易解包工具 V1.0 免費版 105K | 簡體中文 | 10
詳情太閣立志傳V DX修改器 V1.0 3DM版 15.29M | 簡體中文 | 0
詳情太閣立志傳5修改器Win10 V1.0 3DM版 826K | 簡體中文 | 2
詳情GA TK5edit(太閣立志傳5全功能修改器) Build 0016 最新免費版 220K | 簡體中文 | 10
詳情太閣立志傳5整合版修改器 V0.1 最新免費版 584K | 簡體中文 | 10
詳情太閣立志傳5DX修改器一修大師版 V1.0.1.0 Steam版 29.64M | 簡體中文 | 10
詳情太閣立志傳5DX修改器CT版 V8.5 steam版 110K | 簡體中文 | 0
詳情switch太閣立志傳5DX金手指 V1.11 免費版 1K | 簡體中文 | 8